sábado, 19 de enero de 2013

Don Tancredo Rajoy. Registrando que es lo suyo - Don Tancredo Rajoy. Recording which is his own and his Specialty

"No me temblará el pulso" "Viva el vino" "Vaya tropa" "Eran ...como hilillos de plastilina..." " España a impuesto sus condiciones a la UE"

"My pulse won´t tremble" "Viva the Wine" "What a Troop" "Were... alike plasticine threads..." "Spain got to impose its conditions to the EU."
Enlace superior al titular de EL PAIS: “Señor Rajoy, ¿hubo sobresueldos en el PP?” “Sí, hombre”, ironiza el presidente.
Link above to EL PAIS headline reading: "Mr. Rajoy, was there in the PP hidden bonuses?" "Yeah... man... 'says the President ironically.
 aka known as DonTancredo (english wiki version) Rajoy
tambien conocido como DonTancredo (versión Wiki español) Rajoy
Anotaba meticulosamente los sucesos en tiempo y forma, según acaecían, con la minuciosidad y ahínco del joven opositor a Registrador de la Propiedad que en su día fue.

Tiempos en los que incluso soñaba con el siguiente paso a tomar en su prometedora carrera, quizás como Notario, opositar a una Notaría...
Pero Nadie se atrevió a informarle que -como Sr. Presidente de Cleptolandia- se exhibía desnudo ante aquel pueble atónito que le eligió.

Meticulously, he wrote all events at exactly the same time and way they were actually happening, with the rigor and zeal of the young and aspiring rival to enter the Land Registry that he once was. Times when he even dared of dreaming about the next step further on his promising career, perhaps as a notary.
No one dared to tell him that right now -as the President of Cleptolandia- he was exposing himself naked before the astonished people that had elected him merely only one year ago.


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