"Para que Carlos vea que su padre fué también joven con muchos besos y abrazo" escribió mi padre hace algún tiempo a finales de los 80 sobre esta copia de una vieja foto retrato tomada durante la Guerra Civil española (1936-1939). Fecha más probable 1937-38.
Un estudiante de Químicas con 18 años se ve de forma inesperada, y en el corto plazo de un par de años, luchando por la República formando parte de las Fuerzas Aéreas contra el golpista Franco Fue derribado, entregado a la Legión Cóndor alemana y -evidentemente- sobrevivió a la guerra y a la dura prisión y represión.
Una generación ejemplar. Ellos creyeron. Los últimos entre los mejores se están marchando, o ya nos dejaron. Honor a su Memoria.
"So Carlos could see that his father once was young too, lots of kisses and hug" wrote my father sometime back in the late 80´s on this copy of an old portrait photo taken during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Photo most probable date between 1937-38.
An 18 years old Chemistry student found himself suddenly, within a couple of years, fighting for the Republican Government as part of the Republican Air Forces against Franco. His plane was shot down, its pilot died, and he was handed over to the German Condor Legion in the first instance, and - obviously - survived the war and harsh prisons under Franco, eluding the death penalty - by pure luck - and also thanks to the struggle and tenacity of her sister, parents and family. An exemplary generation. They believed. The last best ones already are leaving us or left us already. Honor to their Memory.
Ver aquí:
Rafael Ballester Linares. Piloto-observador (resumen bibliográfico).
Un estudiante de Químicas con 18 años se ve de forma inesperada, y en el corto plazo de un par de años, luchando por la República formando parte de las Fuerzas Aéreas contra el golpista Franco Fue derribado, entregado a la Legión Cóndor alemana y -evidentemente- sobrevivió a la guerra y a la dura prisión y represión.
Una generación ejemplar. Ellos creyeron. Los últimos entre los mejores se están marchando, o ya nos dejaron. Honor a su Memoria.
"So Carlos could see that his father once was young too, lots of kisses and hug" wrote my father sometime back in the late 80´s on this copy of an old portrait photo taken during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Photo most probable date between 1937-38.
An 18 years old Chemistry student found himself suddenly, within a couple of years, fighting for the Republican Government as part of the Republican Air Forces against Franco. His plane was shot down, its pilot died, and he was handed over to the German Condor Legion in the first instance, and - obviously - survived the war and harsh prisons under Franco, eluding the death penalty - by pure luck - and also thanks to the struggle and tenacity of her sister, parents and family. An exemplary generation. They believed. The last best ones already are leaving us or left us already. Honor to their Memory.
Ver aquí:
Rafael Ballester Linares. Piloto-observador (resumen bibliográfico).
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